

为你的家防寒,防止下雪和零下的温度,可以帮助你的家抵御大风, downs and erratic moods of Mother Nature.

无论你住在哪里, 冬天可能预示着气温的下降和不可预测的天气的可能性, including inches of snow and dangerous ice. 过冬的房子-从气候预计下雪和低于冰点的温度几个月, 去那些经历降温和不可预测的降水的地区-可以帮助确保你的家为这个季节做好准备.

提示s to prepare the inside of your home for winter

安乐窝的舒适, 温暖的家在冬天可以帮助你忘记短暂的一天和多层的衣服. These tips can help you weather the winter season.

  • 检查你的炉子. 因为你 加热系统 will probably be running constantly throughout the winter, consider having it inspected annually to help it run 更多的 efficiently and prevent carbon monoxide from entering your home. Also remember to change out your HVAC filters every month.
  • Inspect the insulation in your attic and crawlspaces. 热空气上升并通过屋顶离开房子,所以要注意天花板的隔热. Insulating the crawlspaces will help keep your floors warm.
  • 密封潜在泄漏. 在寒冷的天气来临之前, take time to 给你的家或公寓隔热 把冬天的寒冷挡在外面. Seal areas around recessed lights, 阁楼的舱口和管道通风口可能会让下面生活空间的温暖空气进入阁楼.
  • 允许通风. 适当的 阁楼通风, 适当的阁楼隔热层和阁楼与房屋内部之间的紧密空气屏障可以有所帮助 防止冰坝.
  • 使用窗纸包. If you don't have double-paned or storm windows, try a plastic-film sheet kit from your local hardware store. 这些只会持续一季, 但它们可以帮助提高能源效率,并帮助阻止冬季气流的寒冷流动. 
  • 更新窗口. 试试这些建议吧 make windows 更多的 energy efficient:
    • 安装防风窗
    • 挂窗帘
    • 创建外部遮阳
    • 更换窗户
  • Apply weather stripping and caulk. Add weather stripping to doors and caulk window gaps. 检查所有的窗户是否都锁上了,以尽可能多地阻止冷空气进入.
  • 使用壁炉. 如果你打算使用它,请安排一个专业的检查和服务,以确保您的 烟囱没有杂物 and that your damper opens, closes and seals tightly.
  • 使管道. 位于阁楼的管道, 狭窄空间, 地下室和靠近外墙的地方在极端温度下容易结冰. 绝缘来帮助 防止水管结冰. When the forecast calls for unusually cold temperatures:
    • Let water drip from hot and cold faucets overnight.
    • 保持柜门打开,让热空气在水槽下面等地方流通. 打开机柜门时,请清除机柜内可能造成危险的物品 对儿童的安全危害 or 宠物,例如家用清洁剂.
  • Consult your local utility company. 询问他们是否可以做一个能源评估,以确定你家哪些地方正在损失能源,以及哪些能源智能投资是有意义的.

提示: Smart home apps and amenities, such as a 智能恒温器,可以帮助你把家里的冬季管理融入你的日常生活,帮助你 削减能源成本 让你的家保持舒适. 防寒可以帮助你 享受室内时光 知道你已经尽你所能在整个季节保护你的生活空间,并有助于你的家的整体维护和寿命.

Outside winter home maintenance tips

Even with the cold weather conditions, your yard still needs to be maintained.

  • 工具检查. Make sure your snow shovels are free from cracks. Schedule the annual tune-up for your 吹雪机,如果你有的话.
  • 对室外水龙头进行防寒处理. 拆卸所有连接到室外龙头的软管或设备,并排空管道中遗留的任何水. 地面洒水系统是否已经爆裂并关闭了室外水龙头.
  • 户外家具. 清洗室内装饰和框架. 在北方气候中, 考虑把家具和坐垫都放在不受潮的地方.
  • 安装防风门窗. Storm windows and doors add a layer of protection to your home and help 提高能源效率.
  • Clear any landscape debris and waste. Remove any debris or branches from around the HVAC unit, 燃气表, basement windows and your dryer exhaust vent. 安全地剪掉已死或将死的树枝,以及任何能触及屋顶或壁板的树枝. 刮风时,树枝会摩擦或刮伤房屋表面,造成损坏. They could also fall during a storm or break under heavy snow and ice.
  • 柴火. 将柴火存放在离家至少30英尺的干燥处,以避免火灾危险.
  • 目视检查屋顶. Look for any missing or damaged shingles. Consult a roof professional if needed. 确保所有 排水沟干净 并牢固地连接到 帮助防止冰坝.
  • 游泳池和热水浴缸. 在北方气候中, close and secure both the swimming pool and hot tub.
  • 户外灯. Ensure that lights at doors (front, back and garage) are functioning. Replace any burned-out bulbs with 更多的 efficient LED options.
  • 防止害虫. 在你的房子周围走走,检查一下地基上的小裂缝或开口,老鼠或其他害虫可能会钻进去. 冬天是它们寻求你家温暖的时候,所以把所有可能的入口都封上.
  • 人行道和车道. Shovel the snow from the sidewalk 然后在车道上使用除冰产品,防止滑倒和摔倒.


Blackouts and snow-ins can occur during winter months, 所以,花点时间为自己和家人做好应对冬季紧急情况的准备吧. Having the following items ready can help you make it through safely:

  • Battery-powered flashlights or lanterns and extra batteries
  • 饮用和/或瓶装水
  • 不易腐烂的食品
  • Extra blankets, sleeping bags and warm winter coats
  • Phone numbers for your utility companies
  • 手机和移动充电器
  • 处方 药物和其他药物
  • 一个电池供电的收音机,带额外的电池,用于收听当地的紧急指示
  • 电池备份,以保护您的电脑和其他重要的电子设备
  • 急救箱
  • 考虑买一个 发电机  -一个永久性或便携式发电机可以在你需要的时候随时随地提供临时电力.

Inspect winter decorations after a winter storm

'Tis the season to be festive, but remember to stay safe with your holiday decorations. 在打开灯显示器之前,检查一下它们的电线——它们可能已经磨损了 电气火灾隐患. 同样的道理也适用于内部的圣诞树——检查灯丝在存放过程中是否有磨损的迹象是一个很好的做法. 如果你有一棵真正的圣诞树,要给它浇水,因为干燥的树更容易着火. 向当地市政当局了解新年到来后如何处理这棵树.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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在寒冷的天气来临之前, 花点时间给你的家或公寓隔热,以保持冬天外面的寒冷.