

Simple hand tool safety tips to help you choose and use your hand tools before you start your next DIY project, 保持它们,保护自己和他人.

You may routinely reach for a hand tool when you have a job to do, 但在使用时不要忽视安全. 手工工具会造成瘀伤, 穿刺, 伤口, 每年都有骨折和更严重的伤害. 手动工具和电动工具造成 成千上万次去急诊室 yearly with some injuries resulting in long term disability and even death. Before you start your next project, review these tool safety tips:


选择合适的工具 你的下一个DIY工作. You might believe you'll save time using the same tool for different tasks, 但你可能会增加受伤的几率. It's important to use tools only for their intended purpose.

Each hand tool can come in various sizes, styles and designs suited for specific tasks or functions. 例如, 长柄工具最适合需要更多杠杆的工作, 绝缘工具适用于电气工作. Because using a hand tool repeatedly may potentially harm your joints, 肌肉和神经, 考虑工具的人体工程学:

  • 选择适合你手的工具. 例如, make sure the handles are not too long and does not feel awkward when you hold it.
  • 寻找工具手柄上的摩擦来增强你的抓地力.
  • Opt for a more secure full-hand power grip over a finger grip.
  • Avoid tools that could cut or pinch your hands when gripping them.


Make sure you select the right gloves for the hazard you might face. Protective gloves fall into the following general categories:

  • 织物或涂层织物手套 保护双手免受污垢和磨损, and fabric gloves coated with plastic help prevent objects from slipping out of your hands.
  • 皮革和帆布手套 protect your hands from minor cuts, scrapes, splinters and burns.
  • 金属网凯夫拉手套 防止被尖锐物体割伤和刺穿.
  • 镀铝和芳纶纤维手套 防止极端温度.
  • 耐手套 防止化学危害.
  • 绝缘橡胶手套 有助于防止触电.

Follow these simple rules when using gloves to provide maximum protection:

  • 为危险选择正确类型的手套. 例如, gloves that provide a good grip can help protect your hands from cuts and blisters.
  • 确保手套适合你的手.
  • 每次使用前检查手套是否有损坏, 如果有眼泪就换掉, 孔洞或其他轻微缺陷.
  • 确保手套的长度适合工作.
  • Do not use fabric or leather gloves on liquid chemicals because the material will soak up the chemical.
  • Remove gloves contaminated with hazardous substances safely, and dispose of them as directed.
  • 定期清洁可重复使用的手套.


Even the right tool can harm you if you use it incorrectly. Read the manufacturer's safety instructions before using the tool. 此外,请遵循以下建议:

  • Cut materials at a 90-degree angle to avoid chipping the edge of the blade.
  • Direct blades away from your body and others while cutting.
  • 使用工具时手腕要伸直.
  • Keep your elbows low and slightly bent when using heavier tools.
  • 使用镊子来保护你的项目.
  • Avoid working in awkward positions that could injure your back.
  • Don't expose your tools to extreme heat — it can make them brittle.


Before each use, examine tools for damage or potential hazards. 寻找手柄上的裂缝等缺陷, 冲击工具上的“蘑菇”头和磨损的弹簧. 如果工具的任何部件损坏,请考虑更换. 修理或修改你的工具可能是危险的.

After using tools, clean them and store them in a dry place to maintain their optimal lifespan. 了解更多正确维护工具的技巧.


Don't start your project until you've donned the proper protective gear. 要点包括 安全眼镜或护目镜 和封闭或钢头鞋或靴子.


It's best to wait until children are 12 or older before letting them into the workshop and to help you only with manual hand tools. Always stay close to your kids and lock up tools when you're not using them. 为你的工作空间配备一个 急救箱.


  • 避免在口袋里携带尖锐的工具.
  • Make sure you are aware of the people around you when you are using hand or power tools.
  • Use a bucket or a container to carry tools while going up a .
  • Don't use tools when your hands are slippery (due to oil or grease).

了解更多手动和电动工具的安全提示 职业安全与健康管理局.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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