Blue car covered with bird droppings causing the owner to wonder how to keep the birds away from his house.


Are birds turning into a nuisance on your property? These bird deterrents will help you keep unfriendly fowl at bay.

Although birds can bring music 和 color to your yard, 它们也会通过吃植物来制造混乱, roosting in trees 和 leaving potentially dangerous droppings.

You can help protect your property against such problems, but note that some wild birds are protected under federal or state laws. Forced removal or harm of any protected bird may require a permit. Check with local officials or a licensed wildlife removal service before attempting to remove birds.


Remove the reason the birds are on your property

是食物、水还是住所? The easiest way to remove nuisance birds is to eliminate or block the resources your yard offers.

  • 水的特性: If you have a water feature, birds like geese will likely find it. 排干或盖住这个特征,以防止鸟类进入.
  • 鸟吃的食物: Avoid plants that grow berries or cover them with fine metal netting. 如果一群鸟霸占了你的喂食器, ask your local wildlife service what type of seed they won't eat.
  • 它们可以栖息的地方让鸟儿远离树木和灌木丛 修剪 它们经常去移去鸟儿寻找的掩护.


Fright is another bird deterrent, no matter their motivation for making your property a home. 以下是一些可能的解决方案:

  • Flags that move in the wind are the cheapest, most effective ways to scare birds.
  • 食肉动物雕像如栩栩如生的稻草人, 猫头鹰, 土狼, snakes or cats that can be moved around every few days.
  • Shiny objects such as old CDs, foil pans or silver reflective tape.
  • Large colorful balls placed in the garden or from trees will look like eyes to birds.
  • 闪烁的灯光.
  • 巨大的噪音,如风铃声.


  • 小苏打: Sprinkle baking soda w在这里 you have noticed birds in your yard. They don't like the feel of it under their toes.
  • 辣椒粉: Mix 24 chili peppers (green or red) with half a gallon of water 和 a quarter cup of vinegar. Warm the mixture either in a crock pot or naturally outside in a container. 混合后冷却, add to a spray bottle 和 spray the contents on the areas the birds like to perch on. 每隔几天或下雨后再喷一次.
  • 鸟网: Place some bird netting over the area you want the birds to stay out of.


Bird control requires experimentation, patience 和, often, money. If your bird infestation is too great to manage on your own, contact your local animal control or pest control. Some cities even offer specific bird-removal services. Remember to check with local officials before attempting to remove birds.


Geese tend to be pesky, aggressive, loud 和 leave plenty of evidence from their visit. 以下是一些劝阻鹅的方法:

  • Visual scare tactics, such as those listed above, work well with geese.
  • 网, fishing line 和 wires strung in the affected area create a barrier that is difficult for geese to cross.
  • Liquid goose repellents contain a chemical that geese hate. Read the label because these may need to be used frequently.
  • Bird experts recommend a variety of these techniques, as birds tend to adapt to situations quickly.
  • 受联邦法律保护 so check with local officials before attempting to remove or control geese.

看看这些其他的害虫管理技巧 摩尔鹿.

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