


根据 FBI2019年,美国发生了100多万起盗窃案. Victims lost an estimated $3 billion in property loss which averaged $2,661 per burglary.

有很多方法 保护好你的贵重物品,阻止罪犯家里有个pp王者电子官网箱就是其中之一. 而你应该 妥善处理不需要的文件, a safe can protect documents and valuables that are too important to lose. Safes come in all sizes, from small lock boxes to large floor safes. They may be slipped in a drawer, placed on the floor, bolted to the floor or placed in a wall.


Safes go by many names and some types may overlap with other types. 可以考虑的类型有:

  • 防盗安全: Safes with this name will have some kind of lock to keep out thieves.
  • Data safe: 这种pp王者电子官网柜能防火, dust, 热和静电损坏并有多种尺寸.
  • 防火防水安全: Like the name implies, these safes will protect your valuables against fire and water damage.
  • 地板安全: A floor safe is embedded into a floor, usually into the concrete foundation. 这些可以很容易地隐藏起来,很难去除.
  • Gun safe: This type of safe is designed to keep your guns and ammunition safely stored away from thieves and children.
  • 珠宝安全: These safes range in size depending on your needs and usually have a variety of drawers to properly store your jewelry.
  • Lock box: 这是任何大小的可锁容器. If you are choosing this option, be sure to consider what type of fire and water protection you need.
  • Wall safe: These are installed in a wall and, like a floor safe, they are easily concealable and hard to remove.


Once you've decided on a safe type, you need to consider the safe's security ratings. Usually, ratings listed on a safe were developed by the insurance industry or by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to give consumers an idea of the level of security of a safe. 最常见的评级是:

  • B-rated: These safes will have a safe body with at least ¼-inch thick steel (total), 一扇至少半英寸厚的门. These will have a lock, but the lock hasn't been tested for security.
  • C-rated: These safes will have a safe body with at least ½-inch thick steel (total), 还有至少一英寸厚的门. 和b级pp王者电子官网箱一样,这把锁也没有经过安全测试.
  • RSC: RSC stands for Residential Security Containers and have three levels I, II and III. These have locks that have been tested and the higher the level, the more secure the lock is.
  • TL-15: This safe will typically stand up to 15 minutes of attack with common devices and tools.


Lock security is important, but you should also consider additional protections. 您可能会看到的其他保护级别有:

  • 耐火pp王者电子官网柜或防火pp王者电子官网柜: These names may be used interchangeably but you should pay attention to the fire ratings of each individual safe. Generally, 防火等级将列出温度和时间, 比如350华氏度- 1小时. A safe with this rating will keep the interior temperature to less than 350 degrees Fahrenheit when exposed to a 1700 degrees Fahrenheit fire for one hour. 温度越低, 时间越长, 你就越能免受火灾的伤害. The interior temperature needs to be 350 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for paper and 125 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for media and computer equipment.
  • 防水pp王者电子官网箱: pp王者电子官网柜的防水等级有两种, 连续喷水和水浸深度. The ratings will tell you how long they keep the interior dry under a continuous spray and what depth of water it can stand in and still protect the interior for one hour.

Safe locks

You have many options for locking your safe and you choose the one that works best for you. 一些选项是:

  • Key: 用传统的钥匙打开.
  • Biometric: 用指纹解锁.
  • 组合: Either a traditional mechanical combination lock (think of a dial padlock) or a digital keypad where you enter numbers is used.
  • 双键和组合: 传统上,这是一把钥匙和密码锁.

Choosing the right safe will require you to consider a variety of options and consider what you need to store. 一旦你有了合适的pp王者电子官网箱,这将是一个很好的时机 inventory 你的贵重物品和一个 State Farm®代理 以确保你 coverages 是足够的.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.








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