Small boy helping with Fall yard maintenance by raking leaves.


秋季家居保养计划, such as cleaning gutters and checking your heating system, 帮助你为冬天做好准备.

As the leaves change and the days get shorter, take the time this autumn to get your home ready for winter. 在一年中不方便的时候,一些简单的步骤可能有助于防止一些意外的维修.

让你的家做好应对严寒的准备, 一层层的冰和积雪, use this checklist to help make sure you're ready.


Your HVAC is central to keeping your home warm during the winter. 用这些来面对冬天的挑战 简易炉头.

  • 在寒冷的天气开始之前,更换炉子里的空气过滤器并检查它的效率. 堵塞的空气过滤器会导致你的炉子比它需要的工作更辛苦,甚至可能导致炉子不能正常工作.
  • Stock up on several air filters for the winter, and change them every month.
  • 请暖通空调承包商来测试供暖输出,并对系统进行调整. This technician can also check for and correct possibly hazardous 一氧化碳 供暖系统产生的热量.
  • 如果你没有 可编程恒温器, purchase one for the system to help lower your energy costs. In 极端寒冷的天气 conditions, consider leaving your thermostat at a set level.
  • After your furnace has been tuned up to its maximum efficiency, take a moment to inspect your heating ducts and vents. 掸掉上面的灰尘,清理掉夏天可能进到里面的任何东西.
  • 检查你的 通风用的门窗:
    • 检查你的 windows for any leaks that may compromise your heating efficiency. 如果你感觉有冷空气进来, 从五金店买一个塑料密封套件,把塑料放在窗户周围,防止热量逸出.
    • 一定要检查你的门,如果需要的话,更换挡风玻璃.

检查 the fireplace, woodstove and/or chimney

大多数烟囱清扫建议每年清扫一次,但这取决于你清扫的频率 使用壁炉或柴炉你也许可以等到全面检查. 如果你经常使用壁炉或柴炉,请烟囱清洁工检查一下.

Hopefully you'll have older, seasoned firewood ready for use. 经验丰富的木材 is best for fires, as it burns cleaner and longer. 建议把柴火放在离房子至少30英尺的地方.


The beginning of the heating season brings new potential for fire hazards, so take a moment to review fire safety in your home. 检查 灭火器 and replace them if necessary, and change the 烟雾探测器的电池. 同时回顾你的 家庭火灾疏散计划 和你的家人.


最好检查一下 清洁排水沟 秋天的时候去几次,特别是如果你的房子周围有很多树的话. 在气温下降之前,清理排水沟里的落叶和其他杂物是一项至关重要的任务 冰积聚. 如果排水沟仍然堵塞, water will spill over them and onto the ground next to the foundation, 哪些会对地基造成损害 洪水地下室. 排水沟和落水管应保持清洁,并应引导水远离基础, 人行道和车道上也有, 这样它们就不会变滑或结冰.

Follow 这些建议 to safely 清洁排水沟:

  • Alert your family or a neighbor that you'll be cleaning the gutters, 并在计划好的时间与他们联系.
  • 实践 梯安全:
    • Inspect the ladder for defects and tighten any loose parts before climbing.
    • 一直把一只手放在梯子上.
    • 避免走得太远.
    • Enlist the help of a family member or neighbor to hold the ladder base.
  • 戴上手套,保护你的手免受潜在有害细菌或刺的伤害.
  • 如果你必须爬上屋顶才能进入排水沟,穿防滑鞋.
  • 如果你认为清洁排水沟很危险,可以考虑聘请专业人士.


暴风雨和大风会折断枯枝,这会伤害到人或损坏沿途的物品. 修剪你的灌木和树木 to keep them in good shape using the right tools and a ladder, 如果需要.

  • 选择适合你的工具 修剪树木,如手动修剪器、剪叶刀或修剪锯,并确保你的工具是锋利的.
  • Follow proper trimming procedure according to the size of the limb. 检查 修剪指南 for more guidance to achieve healthy growth.
  • Wear gloves and long sleeves to protect your hands and arms.
  • Follow the guidelines for 梯安全 listed above.
  • 如果你认为修剪圣诞树很危险,可以考虑聘请专业人士.


而橘子, 秋天的黄色和棕色的树叶在地上可能看起来不像在树上那么漂亮, 把它们留在那里不是一个好主意,因为它们会阻挡阳光和水分到达你的草. 根据你所在城镇的庭院垃圾要求,把树叶耙成一堆或吹成一堆,放在路边. 大多数地区都有关于焚烧树叶的规定,所以先和当地政府核实一下.

Raking leaves can seem like a harmless activity, but it's important to 遵守安全提示.

  • Do a 10-minute warm up before you start raking.
  • 戴上手套和长袖,以防止手起泡,并防止你可能收集的任何刺或有毒植物.
  • Avoid twisting your back to rake in a new direction; turn your feet first.
  • Use your knees when lifting, and stop working if you feel pain in your back.
  • 穿牵引力强的鞋子. 潮湿的叶子会很光滑.
  • 保持水分,经常休息.


Once the leaves are taken care of, don't forget about other lawn maintenance. Come spring, your grass will thank you for following 这些建议:

  • 一直割到第一次霜冻 — this will help avoid matting and vulnerability to snow mold.
  • 水到十月底 -虽然更凉爽, 秋天通常更潮湿, 如果你的草坪每周没有得到一英寸的水,保持浇水,帮助草根为冬天做好准备.
  • 每隔几年充气一次 — this will help avoid compaction and is good preparation for fertilizing.
  • 施肥 -额外的植物糖有助于保护根系免受冻结,并为春天的回归提供额外的能量.
  • 监督 -在光秃秃的地方填埋可以阻止杂草生长,秋天的温度和湿度对种子来说更容易.

扫完院子里的树叶后, 记得清洁, pack up and store any patio furniture for the winter. 断开花园软管和, 如果实际, 使用室内阀门关闭并排出通往外部水龙头的管道中的水. 这减少了 管道结冰的可能性 in the section of pipe just inside the house.


Prep your lawnmower and other yard equipment for storage 通过清洁它,执行任何必要的维护和存储在一个封闭的空间. Consult the owner's manual for how to perform winter preparation tasks, 任何可能影响机器性能的存储限制都将在春季到来.


建议您清空未使用的燃料或在燃气动力设备中添加汽油稳定添加剂 存放在车库里 because stale fuel can clog the fuel lines/carburetor. 将汽油储存在孩子够不到的地方,并准备好用于吹雪机或应急发电机, 如果需要.


有一个。是个好主意 应急发电机 if you live in an area that sees a lot of ice storms, as these are a major cause of blackouts during the winter. 如果你有一台发电机,试运行一下,看看它是否处于良好的工作状态. 确保你从来没有在一个封闭的空间运行发电机-像你的车库-因为它会呈现一氧化碳的危险.


检查屋顶 or hire a licensed professional to evaluate the 你的屋顶状况. 寻找在上一季的强风暴中可能发生的任何磨损. If any shingles are curling, buckling or cracking, replace them. If t在这里 is extensive damage, you might consider re-roofing with 抗冲击瓦. Don't forget to check any flashing around skylights, pipes and chimneys to prevent snow and ice from creeping in.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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定期清理排水沟可以帮助你避免昂贵的房屋和庭院维修费用. 学习安全清洁排水沟的方法.



Which emergency backup generator is right for you?

Considerations for permanent and portable generators.

