

使用这些泳池安全提醒, from guidelines for the height of a pool safety fence to pool safety equipment to keep on hand, to make sure your swimming pool is ready for the season.

梦想着一个更悠闲,更适合逃跑的后院? For many, that dream includes a swimming pool — either 地上 or in-ground — or a hot tub. Plenty of American homeowners already live that dream every day. 根据 Liveabout, t在这里 are more than 10 million stationary swimming pools in the country and over 7 million hot tubs.

游泳池也有风险. Seventy-four percent of drowning deaths of children younger than 15 occur at a home, and it's estimated that a child dies every five days in a portable pool in the United 状态s. 这就是为什么任何游泳池都是便携式的, 地上, in-ground — should be installed and used in tandem with physical safety elements such as a pool safety fence and educational safety elements like 更安全的游泳方法包括每个人的课程和心肺复苏术培训.


Certified swimming lessons help reduce childhood drowning incidents. 建议儿童 开始上游泳课 4岁时. 让每个孩子都在大人的监督下. Make sure adults have an adult/pediatric CPR training.


拥有一个游泳池会带来很多责任, such as making sure the proper regulations are met in your area, proper maintenance is performed and providing essential safety features.


  • 拯救生命的环
  • 牧羊人的钩
  • Self-closing/latching gate (open outward, out of the reach of children)
  • 通往泳池的门上有警报器
  • 60"-tall, four-sided fence/enclosure (one side should not be the house)


这些工具可以帮助你消除潜在的风险 池的危险:

  • A rigid pool cover (keep the control out of kids' reach)
  • 运动传感器水下报警器
  • Rounded, crack-free drain covers (all screws installed)


The importance of safety continues year round and even when your pool is not in service.

  • Check that your pool meets city and state regulations.
  • Ensure no one can climb over, under or through the fence.
  • 不使用的楼梯和梯子要拆卸.
  • Do not include diving boards and slides in your pool design.
  • 将池内化学品锁在通风良好的柜中.
  • 不要在闪电附近游泳.

One step that you can take if you have a more permanent structure is to schedule annual maintenance on your swimming pool. Have a professional inspect the pool and drain covers. Then make sure family and friends that use the pool understand w在这里 the pool safety equipment is located and what safety requirements you have for swimming, such as providing adult supervision at all times for children. Many pool accidents occur when adults momentarily step away from the pool area leaving a child unattended.


Inflatable or soft-sided pools pose the same dangers as larger versions. 格外注意保护你的家人.

  • 每次使用后清空.
  • 储存在够不着的地方或锁在安全的柜子里.
  • 随时监督使用情况.



  1. 拯救生命的环
  2. 牧羊人的钩
  3. 心肺复苏术的指令
  4. Self-closing/latching gate (open outward, out of the reach of children)
  5. 通往泳池的门上有警报器
  6. 60"-tall, four-sided fence/enclosure (one side should not be the house)

88% - Reduction in childhood drowning incidents after certified swim lessons1


Three tools help you monitor who is in the pool and help them swim and play with less danger:

  • A rigid pool cover (keep the control out of kids' reach)
  • 运动传感器水下报警器
  • Rounded, crack-free drain covers (all screws installed)


  • Check that your pool meets city and state regulations
  • Ensure no one can climb over, under or through the fence
  • 不使用的楼梯和梯子要拆卸
  • Do not include diving boards and slides in your pool design
  • 将池内化学品锁在通风良好的柜中
  • Require adult users to know CPR and ensure that everyone has had swim lessons
  • 让每个孩子都在大人的监督下

4 -建议开始正式游泳课程的年龄2


Inflatable or soft-sided pools pose the same dangers as larger versions. 格外注意保护你的家人.




2 hours - The average length of an adult/pediatric CPR class3

1 National Institute of Child 健康 and Human Development

2 美国儿科学会

3 红十字会

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Understand your responsibility if you are involved in an accident.


帮助 maintain the safety of your home by considering these annual home safety tips that cover everything from the attic down to the basement.


Make a home fire evacuation plan to be better prepared in case of a fire. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to safety and understand fire hazards.


They're fun recreational activities on the water, but you still have to obey the rules.